We’ve Moved

For quite a while now I’ve had both this site (jmartucci.com) and Built with Coffee. For years this domain has been a simple redirect to Built With Coffee, but I decided to split to two into two different things. Why?

  • The codebase of Built with Coffee had the refuse of about 8 different framework and CMS implementations, plus what can only be described as a “crap-ton” of weird little React components. As of now both sites have no React on them, only Astro components and a teeny tiny bit of plain JavaScript.
  • Mixing a blog with a statement of who I am professionally felt weird, maybe more so this year after writing things like this and this.
  • The new structure of this site overlaps with a 🤫 side project I’ve been working on.
  • Ideally with everything cleaned up I’ll actually start writing more.